Our firm subscribes to the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis, which mean that we are guided by the following principles in our work with all our clients, both persons and organizations.
We believe that:
1. Behavior is lawful, meaning that it is the result of stimuli in the individual's environment.
2. Both occurrence and possible repetition of behaviors follow the established principles of reinforcement - behaviors, whether positive or problematic, that receive reinforcement will be more likely to occur in the future.
3. It has been scientifically established that interventions for persons with Autism using Applied Behavior Analyis (ABA) have been shown to be the most effective means for positive and long lasting behavior change and learning.
The specific beliefs and orientation that contribute to that success are that this methodology:
* focuses on interventions that have social significance to the individual client;
* focuses and studies behaviors that need to be improved, not a similar behavior, not the verbal description of others about the behavior, and not a diagnostic label that is supposedly related to the actual behavior;
* is analytic, meaning a direct functional relationship can be established between the behavior of concern and the preceding and/or reinforcing stimulus, and that the control of the preceding and resulting stimuli can alter the existing patterns of behavior and result in improvement.
* uses nothing but procedures that will be thoroughly described to the client family and that have been professionally validated for effectiveness in the professional literature;
* uses proccedures that are conceptually systematic, meaning that they can be explained in clear terms of established and validated behavior principles, and;
* insists that interventions used must be seen to improve the behavior under consideration to a practical degree that lasts over time, and will be maintained in environments and settings where the interventions were not specifically trained.
Our firm subscribes fully and completely to the Ethics Compliance Code for Behavior Analysts, as set down by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board
Sensible Solutions for Children exists to bring children with Autism into as full and equitable participation in our communities as is possible. We believe this is best achieved by the application of evidence-based design and procedures that are individualized and used by competent professionals who are committed to achieving this Goal for each and every child whose life we touch.
Based on our commitment to this Goal, as an organization Sensible Solutions for Children makes the same full commitment to each and every human being we encounter, at work and in our personal lives, to work, care and nurture each other to achieve the Goal of full acceptance and participation for all.
We believe this Goal can only be reached through a spirit of equity in attitude, equity in treatment, and equity in inclusion, all sustained by the belief that the differences among us are minor and irrelevant, and that they can distract us from full participation in the work of all of us caring for all of us. In considering clients diagnosed with Autism for treatment, in treatment delivery to our clients, and in consideration for and in regard to employment, Sensible Solutions for Children, LLC will not discriminate against individuals on the basis of race, color, religious creed, disabling condition, ancestry, national origin, age, sex, or limited English proficiency.
A Note on Expectations from ABA Treatment:
We believe it is very important that parents of children with Autism understand that while ABA is the most effective means of treatment available, the interaction of the characteristics of any individual child, the family in which the client lives, and the chararacteristics of the intervention all interact and there are no guarantees that the results of ABA treatment will match either the ideal expectations of the family and therapists. The best approach and situation will be one of honest and open communication between the family and the therapists so the treatment can be directed toward those Goals that are most beneficial to the client and most important to the family. ABA is not now and never will be a "one size fits all" approach.